The publishers really wanted something super-edgy, bright and funky. I think I sort of (?) delivered.. I didn't give them neon. But I did try to incorporate their concepts and goals into something slightly more toned back. At least that's what I aimed for.
Victoria, I was very impressed with the body of work you presented during class Tuesday. It not only showed your obvious execution skills, but a broad range of concepts. I like your Spoon designs as well. I don't know if you quite got to the "edgy" part that the publishers were looking for, but at the same time I'm not sure if they were aware of what they were asking for. Neon colors are edgy? I don't think so. Ugly doesn't mean edgy. I look forward to working with you Sunday to see how your Best Time To feature has progressed. Great work! Love, Meredith (the TA, not the project.)