This was my attempt at the cover for the alternative music marketing story. The concept is unique, but maybe doesn't quite hit the nail on the head. There are some conflicting images, ie: the iPod earbuds and the 50's style TVs in the background. More consistency in executing the idea would have helped.
I really like the colors chosen though, they are nice complements and really make the white pop out.

Here's the spread for the economy story I created. The headline given was "face of the economy." I chose not to go that direction, maybe a bad idea. Instead, I took out a concept that the story focused on and also that might be more appealing to an everyday consumer. Both economists talked about how the economy isn't based off the decisions made in congress, instead it's affected by the consumers and every single transaction they complete. So I played off the phrase "Don't sweat the small stuff."
The art I created was a few little icons to represent the small purchases we make that can really add up. The icons also served as a way to set up a color palette for the page.
In this coming week, I'll be designing Short Talk for the Feb. 5th issue, as well as working on cover concepts for the issue on the 12th. Oh yeah, and going to Iowa Friday for the Meredith visit. Can't wait.
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